Welcome to
Morning Star Korean School

샛 별 한 국 학 교

샛별한국학교 등록 안내
Morning Star Korean School Registration

2024 봄 학기 (Spring Semester)

  • 언제(When): 1/21/2024, Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
  • 어디서(Where): 1020 E 101st St,  Carmel, IN 46280
  • 전화(Phone): 317.844.6484
  • 이메일(email): indymorningstar@gmail.com






        ❖ 섬기시는 선생님들 ❖

교장:  조은재 (Prin. Eunjae Cho) 

교감:  백종희

교무:  김태경

총무:  조기헌

교사:   강수경  김용인  이유경 

           임세나  전슬기  정은선

           최규나  최한태  

Welcome to Morning Star Korean School!

At our Morning Star Korean School, we create learning environments and compose curriculum so that four language skills can be developed appropriately at each stage: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.  Basic, beginners, intermediate, and advanced courses are available, and we guide you in setting and achieving your learning goals at each level. From the beginners level, Korean government’s textbooks are used as main class books, so that the courses at each level can be systematically operated with a seamless connectivity.  Organized in the regular curriculum so that students can learn knowledge about history and culture equivalently, and as Korean-Americans, through understanding cultural history such as the March 1st Independence Movement Day, Hangeul Day, Chuseok, Korean Food Exploration Day, Golden Bell, and Autumn Sports Day, we are guiding you with pride. In addition, as a Korean school belonging to Mid-South Chapter of the National Association for Korean Schools(NAKS), we participate in regional contests such as My Dream Speaking Contest and Storytelling Contest every year.  Students are winning prizes with excellent performances at My Dream Speaking Contest and Storytelling Contest, among others. 

Along with the students who speak Korean as their native language, we are also providing students with a variety of Korean culture and society to learn Korean as a second foreign language more profoundly and extensively.